Sunday 16 November 2008

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Birthday Wishes.

Last Saturday was my 29th birthday. I like to thank my dear family and friends who wishes me all happiness in this life. I would like to give credits to my husband as he remembered my birthday this year :D. Last few years my birthday wishes came from him few days later but this year.. pagi2 lagi dah ucapkan happy birthday. :D Men cannot remember dates.. so tak leh nak cakap apa. hehe. Malamnya pulak dia belanja makan at marumatsu .. a Japanese restaurant. Makan besar jugak la malam tu.. thanx again dear. Before i finish this post i would like to wish happy birthday to kak long (15/11) ainul (22/11) and my beloved naqib (29/11). I can always remember their birthday because it's a week a part. Hope you guys have a wonderful birthday this year..


Terima kasih boss belanja makan :D

Enjoynya makan

Thursday 6 November 2008